PROWITRA merupakan respon dari Pusat Penelitian Kelapa Sawit (PPKS) terhadap keluhan petani tentang minimnya pengetahuan mereka tentang budidaya dan sulitnya mengakses benih kelapa sawit unggul. Kegiatan utama PROWITRA berupa sosialisasi benih sawit unggul, diseminasi penerapan kultur teknis, dan penjualan benih sawit unggul secara langsung ke sentra-sentra perkebunan rakyat.
Hadir sejak 2010, kegiatan PROWITRA telah menjangkau 16 provinsi yaitu Aceh, Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Barat, Riau, Jambi, Sumatera Selatan, Bengkulu, Lampung, Bangka Belitung, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Timur, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Utara, Sulawesi Barat, dan Sulawesi Tengah, dengan penyaluran benih unggul hingga Oktober 2019 telah mencapai 5,77 juta butir kecambah sawit.
The restaurant itself is literally one big giant kitchen. When we first got in there, it was all
the things you can imagine—dingy, musky. But if I took you in there today, you’d be like ‘Oh! This
is so clean, everything smells so great.’ Those are a few benefits of a little bit of elbow grease
and hard work on the front end.” As Chip’s vision has come to fruition, he’s garnered a lot more
support. We’ve all been dying to know which type of magic the Gaines would bring to the café, a
landmark on Waco’s bustling traffic circle.
The restaurant itself is literally one big giant kitchen. When we first got in there, it was all
the things you can imagine—dingy, musky. But if I took you in there today, you’d be like ‘Oh! This
is so clean, everything smells so great.’ Those are a few benefits of a little bit of elbow grease
and hard work on the front end.” As Chip’s vision has come to fruition, he’s garnered a lot more
support. We’ve all been dying to know which type of magic the Gaines would bring to the café, a
landmark on Waco’s bustling traffic circle.