BIONEENSIS merupakan pupuk hayati yang diformulasikan khusus untuk tanaman kelapa sawit. BIONEENSIS mengandung konsorsium mikroba bermanfaat yang diisolasi dari perakaran kelapa sawit dan memiliki daya adaptasi serta asosiasi yang tinggi dengan tanaman. Produk ini mengandung bakteri penambat nitrogen, bakteri pelarut fosfat, dan bakteri penghasil indole acetic acid (IAA) yang berperan sebagai plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). Produk ini menggunakan sumberdaya lokal yang ramah lingkungan yaitu by product (limbah) tanaman kelapa sawit dan tanaman tebu.
Keunggulan produk:
• Bahan aktif (mikroba) diisolasi dari perakaran kelapa sawit.
• Komposisi formula menggunakan kelapa sawit dan tebu.
• Kemudahan aplikasi di lapangan.
• Memiliki daya adaptasi tinggi di berbagai kondisi pH tanah (4-11).
The restaurant itself is literally one big giant kitchen. When we first got in there, it was all
the things you can imagine—dingy, musky. But if I took you in there today, you’d be like ‘Oh! This
is so clean, everything smells so great.’ Those are a few benefits of a little bit of elbow grease
and hard work on the front end.” As Chip’s vision has come to fruition, he’s garnered a lot more
support. We’ve all been dying to know which type of magic the Gaines would bring to the café, a
landmark on Waco’s bustling traffic circle.
The restaurant itself is literally one big giant kitchen. When we first got in there, it was all
the things you can imagine—dingy, musky. But if I took you in there today, you’d be like ‘Oh! This
is so clean, everything smells so great.’ Those are a few benefits of a little bit of elbow grease
and hard work on the front end.” As Chip’s vision has come to fruition, he’s garnered a lot more
support. We’ve all been dying to know which type of magic the Gaines would bring to the café, a
landmark on Waco’s bustling traffic circle.